Install an RPM

Valid for versions 98 through the latest version



Last modified: August 9, 2022


RPM® (RPM Package Manager) refers to a software package format, the software that the package contains, and the package management system.

  • Your cPanel & WHM server includes several pre-installed packages and the ability to install more. This interface lets you install packages for the operating system distribution in addition to those provided by default.

  • To troubleshoot any package installation failures that may occur, follow the steps in our RPM Installation Failures documentation.

  • For more information about package managers, visit the RPM website.

  • The interface requires several seconds to load due to the packages that reside on your server.
  • This interface only allows you to install packages that currently reside in your system’s repositories. You cannot install packages from a third-party repository.

Install a package

To install a package, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Select package to install menu, select the package that you wish to install.
  2. Click Install.

Additional Documentation